1870s New Mexico, a saloon girl plots her escape from her backwater town and devious employer.
Starring Oyemen Ehikhamhen and Nicholas Jarnot. Produced by Carly Miller & Sonora Rowan. Written & Directed by Carly Miller. Cinematography by Richard Satoru.
A hard-nosed female federal marshal is escorting a male felon across the desert when their car breaks down, resulting in a day of unexpected conversations and confrontations.
Starring Sarah Navratil and Colton Apodaca. Written & Produced by Carly Miller & Sonora Rowan. Directed by Carly Miller. Cinematography by Richard Satoru.
A saloon-girl chases down a pair of outlaws to steal their map to buried gold. She confronts a moral dilemma when she must choose between the map or rescuing an innocent life.
Starring Emily Ring, Katharine Heflin, Nicholas Jarnot and Colton Apodaca. Written, Produced & Directed by Carly Miller. Cinematography by Andrew McCarty.
The Bechdel Test follows two ambitious young women through a pivotal turning point in their friendship.
Starring Gabi Van Horn and Savannah Gilmore. Written & Produced by Carly Miller and Amanda Chang. Cinematography by Richard Satoru.